Sunday, April 18, 2010

Barefoot Lawn Bowling

Who knew that lawn bowling was not just for the blue rinse set?

A cross between curling and bocce, this game is quite addictive, and can be picked up rather quickly by anyone.

The bowling balls are weighted so that one side is heavier than the other which means that each bowl has a definitive break/curve. Much like putting in golf, bowling requires the correct weight and correct line.

In and around Sydney various lawn bowling clubs open their doors for a few hours and let the younger generation play.

This afternoon we spent three hours on the grass bowling our balls trying to get closest to the Jack - the little white ball that is thrown at the beginning of each end - and is the target.

This game, the players, and the ambiance is likely much different than the picture you have in your mind's eye. There is no white clothing, it is not quiet, and everyone is in their bare feet with a beer in their hand. Nothing like the bowling you might see at the Boulevard Club.

So this summer cut your grass a bit shorter, fill your cooler with ice and beer, kick off your shoes, and get bowling.

Or just drop by a local club, jump the fence, kick off your shoes, and join a game.

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